How to Repair An Uneven Epoxy Application

September 23, 2019 2 Comments

How to Repair An Uneven Epoxy Application

If you are trying to fix a botched epoxy tabletop job or are trying to learn how to repair a peeling epoxy floor, then you have come to the right place

Avoiding Irregular Epoxy Finishes

It's no easy task to correct epoxy setbacks even if you have a basic understanding about epoxy solutions. One of the common problems is tacky or sticky resin, but there are several other issues, such as uneven or irregular finishes. This problem is caused mostly caused by improper mixing or catalyzation. Therefore, it is always recommended that you do all the mixing by including fresh resin and hardener to avoid such consequences. Also, it is always better to follow the instructions because knowing where the road leads is a must before taking the journey.

How to Fix an Irregular/Uneven Epoxy Finish

Sometimes the unevenness in epoxy finishes is due to the surface and sometimes it is due to an uneven application. So, you need to make sure that the resin you use is entirely clean. In other words, there shouldn’t be any spaces left for debris or dust particles to mix with resin.Ensure your mixing bucket is clean and there is nothing above it that might fall in (ie. under a garage door, basement ceiling that has a-lot of dust, etc.). It is also recommended that you lightly and carefully sand/grind your substrate. Because most floor are uneven a proper prep job will ensure that your floor has enough "grip" and it will help smooth out any uneven areas. Grinding is not meant to resurface your floor but rather prep it for the epoxy coating you are about to lay.

Tips for Fixing Epoxy Countertops 

With time, you might observe that your epoxy countertops are peeling. This will signify that your countertops require some repair/touch up work. Repairing your epoxy countertops is mostly a DIY assignment and it is not too complicated. Also, if you do this on your own, then you will be able to save a lot of money and also have the satisfaction of a job well done. However, you will need to follow the correct directions to get a beautiful finish. And before you begin, make sure that you cover any scratched surfaces with surface abrasions. 

Once you have covered the repair areas, use a 650 grit sandpaper to level the surface. Then clean the surface by making a solution of 50% water and 50% commercial cleaner. Wipe the area in circular motions and then buff it. 

Now apply a thin epoxy coat and leave it for at least 24 hours. Once the duration is completed, check the surface to ensure it is not wet or tacky. Then take a clean towel and alcohol, and remove the chips with it to see your finish.

Dealing with Ripples of Waves

If you are working on a wood surface, then you may find imperfections in the form of bubbles, ripples or waves. You need to apply multiple coats to fix this issue and the coats must be applied completely at 1/8 " unless you reach the leveling goal. Also, it is very essential to avoid high temperature otherwise you may not get satisfying results.

Whenever you are trying to fix epoxy problems, you must take all the precautions to avoid any mishaps. Always work in a ventilated area and protect your skin. The process is a bit tricky, but in the end, the results are beautiful and breathtaking.

2 Responses


January 25, 2021

I agree with Lorrie’s comment from above. I do not see the answer to fixing an uneven color of epoxy on the garage floor. We just did ours this weekend and the colors are not even. How can I fix this?

Thank you for your time


April 07, 2020

I read your information, but still not clear how to repair a garage floor that has uneven color. There is a visa led line of demarcation where color and shine are different. How to repair

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