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Most Common Mistakes When Applying Epoxy

Most Common Mistakes When Applying Epoxy

Epoxy is exceedingly becoming more and more popular due to its versatility and durable finishes. Epoxy floor coating gives you everything you would want in a floor coating, but frequent mistakes that many beginners make when applying can weaken or completely ruin the epoxy resin. However, keep in mind, we all have to start somewhere when learning something new. When you become more familiar with how to apply epoxy resin, you will soon realize it is a pretty simple process when done correctly. Below, we provide information on common mistakes and how to avoid them when taking on your flooring project!

  • Choose The Appropriate Epoxy Resin For Your Project:
  • Take into account that epoxy resin is just like everything else in the world - there is no one size fits all. Your first and most essential step to your epoxy project is doing extensive research of what type of resin, product, and material that is recommended for your space. Epoxy is a preferred flooring material for many reasons, but a huge part of it is that every type of epoxy resin is curated for specific spaces, needs, and designs. Whether you’re looking for basement floor coating, garage floor coating, concrete floor paint, or even the best epoxy for leveling a floor, diligent research will help you select the right epoxy products.

  • Measuring Your Epoxy Products Carefully & Accurately:
  • Cautiously Measuring your resin and hardener is an absolute must to ensure that your epoxy will cure securely. Determine the volume of elements that your application requires. Start small. If you require more epoxy resin, you can always come back to this step to make another batch to spread the epoxy evenly. Use a graduated measuring cup to measure the epoxy resin. Be attentive to the bottom of the curved liquid surface, known as the meniscus, meets the line that you are pouring the epoxy to. If your epoxy is warming it will lay flat in the graduated measuring cup, but give is a moment to settle before calculating the amount of hardener required. After you have measured the correct amount of epoxy, pour the required hardener into the mixture. Most epoxy systems require a 2:1 ratio by volume. This means you must pour two portions of epoxy to every one part hardener. However, this is not a universal epoxy scale, some manufacturers may require other proportions, and you can always verify the correct ratio with the epoxy’s directions. (EPOXY TIP: for satisfactory curing, always be sure that the space you are working, and handling the substrate and epoxy are kept at a temperature of 70-75℉ or 21-24℃ before mixing your products.)

  • Mixing Epoxy Resin Correctly:
  • For beginners that have never mixed epoxy, start with a small batch to get comfortable with the mixing and curing process. Dispense the correct portions of epoxy resin and hardener into a clean plastic, metal, or wax-free paper container. To avoid hazardous exothermic heat build-up, do not use glass or foam containers. Before stirring, take into account that mixing epoxy too quickly or too long will induce additional air bubbles into the mixture. Additional bubbles will increase the chances of air bubbles in your final epoxy coat. Stir the two epoxy ingredients thoroughly; time yourself for at least 1 to 3 minutes until the products have a single consistency. Scrape the sides and bottom of your container as you mix, and remember to use the flat end of your mixing tool to reach all corners of your container. Quickly pour the epoxy into a roller pan to apply immediately, this will extend the Pot-life and working time.

  • Be Mindful of Air Emitting From Non-Sealed Materials:
  • IIf you are applying epoxy on top of a wood, concrete, or other porous surfaces, it is necessary to apply a sheer coat of epoxy before your flood epoxy coating. A thin layer on a permeable material will seal and prevent air from emitting throughout your flood coating. Remember to wait at least 6 hours after you have applied your sheer epoxy coating.

  • Don’t Neglect Bubbles Arising After Applying Epoxy Floor Coating:
  • Many epoxy products incorporate a de-gassing agent that provokes bubbles in each layer of your epoxy to rise to the surface. It is essential that when this happens, you are prepared to torch the bubbles out before the resin thickens and cures. Use a heat gun on its low heat levels and aim the gun parallel to the bubbled surface, make sure you are not aiming directly straight down on the bubbles, the heat gun should always be at an angle.

    Following these steps will help you avoid mistakes that will potentially corrode your epoxy resin. The biggest take away is to take your time with your project. Get comfortable with the basics and always start small. This will not only help avert any mistakes but also it will help your epoxy apply beautifully without having to waste more time and epoxy.

    - Dwayne Freeman

    These are great application tips for a beginner. Do you have any canadian distributors? We do garage epoxy flooring and I’m curious how your products perform.

    - Karl Wyatt

    We want to apply a clear epoxy to copper slate floors that have been previously treated with HMK S239 color brightener / sealer. Should we strip the sealer first? We have 6,400 sq ft of floor to cover.

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